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Mobile app for freelancing

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This article shows our solution to freelancing in Croatia.

The Idea

As freelancers, we use a popular subreddit called r/forhire to offer our services. Being in the world of freelancers for a while, we figured that Reddit isn’t the best platform for offering these services. We decided to create our platform for these services so that anyone could post offers or requests for freelance services in Croatia. This makes it easier for Croatian people to find freelance opportunities. This project was sent to and won 4th place at the national competition in software engineering in Croatia.

What is Jobscape?

Jobscape is a mobile application intended for offering and requesting freelancing services. Jobscape offers an easy and fast reaching out option for services using the in-app chat. All job ads are separated into 2 main categories, “Hire me” and “Hiring”. Every user needs to be accepted by Jobscape admins and is responsible for his/her profile.


In development we used 2 main frameworks, flutter (with dart) and fastapi (with python). Flutter framework was used to develop the client side of the application.

For storing data locally, we used a local data base called Hive. On server side, we used FastAPI. A python framework used for creating APIs.

In-app messaging

The in-app messaging system was created using XMPP. A very popular and well-secured standard for messaging and presence. This standard powers technologies like IoT and WebRTC. As it’s free and open source we decided to go with it for this project.

Future plans

Jobscape is not in its final state and it will be updated. Development of web and deskop versions are the biggest priority. We also thought of adding dark theme into the app. We plan on starting beta testing the application.

Find out more

For more info visit jobscape.nulldev.info.

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